Mint Dining - Fresh, local and very tasty!
Chef Grant Dicker and Photographer Scotty Anderson share a common goal - to produce a book (amongst other media) that highlights the best produce Nelson & Marlborough has to offer and to share a few techniques for getting the most enjoyment out of them. Follow us on our experimental culinary journey as we develop and test recipes on our way.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Mint Dining Room New Blog
Our significant other blog. Follow the restaurant day to day, season to season.
Congratulations to Scotty, he married Katie on Saturday. The last month or so leading up to the wedding saw less work on the book than usual.(As one woul expect)
When Scotty returns from his honeymoon we will be back into it with avengeance.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Tomato Chilli Jam

I was offered a quantity of yellow tomatoes today, so I thought I will make jam, blog the recipe and document the progress. The chillis were from our own garden. Enjoy making it. Grant.
Yellow Nelson Tomato and Chilli Jam.
Step A
400g ripe yellow tomatoes
4 red chillis 10g garlic cloves peeled
10g ginger
100g chopped Yellow tomatoes
20ml Thai fish sauce
300g castor sugar
90ml (6 tbsp plus 2 tsp) White wine vinegar
50 ml Savignon Blanc
Step A- Put the yellow tomatoes, all of the chillis, garlic, ginger and fish sauce in a blender or a food processor and blend to a fine puree.
Then add the purèe, sugar wine and vinegar in heavy bottomed saucepan and bring to the boil slowly, stirring constantly.Skim any froth t
hat may develop on the surface.
Cut remaining tomatoes into a rough dice
Reduce heat to a simme
r and add diced tomatoes.
Simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring from time to time to lift anything settling on the bottom, continue till the jam begins to thicken.Pour into sterilised jars and seal.
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Some more rain

Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. We have had a nice break and are back to work feeling all fresh. New Years menu this year;
Salmon tartar and vodka cured gravedlax, served with lime scented tomato gazpacho.
Salad caprese with caper and raisin puree, fresh basil and sherry dressing.
Wine recommendation Kina Beach Rose '10
Smoked rabbit and mushroom terrine, shot of game broth and pear and date chutney.
Wine recommendation Kina Beach Chardonnay '08
Strawberry vanilla and champagne sorbet.
Fillet of venison wrapped in prosciutto, kumara and sage crumble, and mushroom mousaka.
Wine recommendation Kina Beach Pinot Noir '08
Baked snapper fillet (catch permitting) warm smoked eel and potato salad, creme fraiche froth and crayfish jus.
Wine recommendation Kina Beach Sauvignon Blanc '11
Iced lemon and basil gratin, with summer fruit salsa and saffron syrup
Hazelnut gallette, macerated cherries and bitter chocolate mousse
Recommendation Lustau Pedro Ximenez San Emelio Sherry
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Santa's Special delivery
The pure icing sugar is mixed with egg white and lemon juice to make a paste which will dry hastily when exposed to air. Use sandwich bags to keep the icing air-tight until you're ready to construct.
Ginger Bread
200g of butter
100g of Dark Brown sugar
125ml of Golden syrup or Molasses
450g of Self raising Flour
1tsp of ground ginger
1tsp of ground cinnamon
half tsp of ground cloves
Cream butter and brown sugar until smooth and light them thoroughly mix through the Golden syrup. A good cake mixer will make light work of this. Sift dry ingredients into a large bowl and add to the wet mixure in thirds, mixing thoroughly. You will probably have to mix the last third of the dry ingredients by hand. Add a few tablespoons of water if needed Wrap dough in glad wrap and refrigerate for 90 mins. Cut into the shapes for your GB House design and bake for 10 -15 mins at 180c, section sizes will dictate you cooking times. Cool well on a rack before assembling.
I'll post some photo's of our completed houses later this week.