Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Tomato Chilli Jam

I was offered a quantity of yellow tomatoes today, so I thought I will make jam, blog the recipe and document the progress. The chillis were from our own garden. Enjoy making it. Grant.

Yellow Nelson Tomato and Chilli Jam.

Step A

400g ripe yellow tomatoes
4 red chillis 10g garlic cloves peeled
10g ginger

100g chopped Yellow tomatoes

20ml Thai fish sauce
300g castor sugar
90ml (6 tbsp plus 2 tsp) White wine vinegar

50 ml Savignon Blanc

Step A- Put the yellow tomatoes, all of the chillis, garlic, ginger and fish sauce in a blender or a food processor and blend to a fine puree.

Then add the purèe, sugar wine and vinegar in heavy bottomed saucepan and bring to the boil slowly, stirring constantly.Skim any froth t

hat may develop on the surface.

Cut remaining tomatoes into a rough dice

Reduce heat to a simme

r and add diced tomatoes.

Simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring from time to time to lift anything settling on the bottom, continue till the jam begins to thicken.Pour into sterilised jars and seal.